8 Great Ways to Make Your Sports Website Stand Out in 2019

Creating your own sports website is as easy as following the instructions outlined on the internet on platforms such as YouTube. WordPress is considered one of the easiest vehicles for this and is used by many websites – a significant proportion of which are sports related. Easy usage and navigation are just two factors that have made WordPress popular amongst smaller businesses.

However, using WordPress isn’t the only thing to consider when creating a website. For instance, the server on which your website is hosted is another very important factor.

Choosing a server that ensures fast and efficient operation using technology will make your website more user-friendly. Many web hosts even include services to their URL like www.freeparking.co.nz/wordpress-hosting/, to make it easy for customers to find what they seek.

Creating a sports website is one thing, but attracting relevant traffic to your website is another. To make people want to visit your website, you’ll need to make it appealing and useful. So, here are eight tips to make your sports website look attractive.

The domain name

The name of your sports website is the first thing visitors will see. Therefore, it is the first introduction to your website for many people. A catchy domain name should make users curious enough, while also stating the purpose of your website, where possible.

The domain logo

If well designed, this feature should describe what your website is about, even before the site has been opened up. It should comprise an image that looks professional and likely to be memorable. Using suitable colors and images will create a lasting impression on anyone who comes into contact with it. So, use affordable sites for designing logos to get an idea of what you want your logo to look like.

Background colors

Colors have a language all of their own and can directly influence how people feel. Colors can signify warmth, energy, happiness, excitement, and many other emotions.
They can also make your website attraction when implemented effectively. However, they can also be a turn off if the wrong colors are used.

Cool, calming colors should be used in relation to a sports related website. Understanding the psychology of colors will help determine the best color scheme for your website.

Font types and sizes

The content of your website is very important, but how it looks on the site is of equal importance. There are a few things to consider when choosing your font type, such as the typeface to be used. It’s advisable to pick a typeface that will look good in multiple sizes to enable readability in whatever font size is used.

Make sure the words on the website don’t look too cramped by using fonts that are legible; no one wants to feel like they’re performing a chore when reading the articles on your website. The safest route would be to use standard fonts, while limiting the number of fonts used to a minimum. Dividing write-ups into sections would also make it easier to read.

Use font colors that don’t look ugly. Whatever color you use should be easy on the eye; just make sure not to use too many color schemes.

Photos and Videos say a lot

A picture says a thousand words; in which case, you might not always need to use words. Pictures of athletes and events will most certainly make a sports website much more interesting. People should be able to describe every picture and video used on the website as being fun. Users will most likely come back to your site if their first experience on it wasn’t boring.

The pictures and videos should tell a story; being fun, as well as informative and clearly defined. Use authentic pictures – photos that aren’t likely to be seen on other blogs or websites. Remember, you want your site to be unique.

A well produced video is attractive and people will eagerly watch such videos over and over again.

Live streams and News streams

Many fans from around the world won’t be present at certain matches or events. Therefore, creating the option of streaming these events live is sure to make a sports website popular.

The quality of the stream is as important as the opportunity to stream. For instance, high quality visuals and audio should be the base of your streams.

Current news about players, sporting events and tournaments should be steadily available on your sports website. Users consider you to be the link between them and the sporting world, so keeping them up to date about the sports industry will ensure steady traffic. It’s important that the news should not just be frequent, current but also accurate.

Player profiles

News about players is a major reason people visit sports websites. Users want to know who’s being traded, sold, bought, injured or benched. They also want to see statistics on each players’ performance; the best and worst players; and even those involved in one form of scandal or another.
Everyone wants to feel like they know the players and can hold their own in a debate about them, hence the search for relevant news.

Team roster

Schedules of matches including information about which teams will be playing, as well as when and where these matches will be played is another feature you should consider. The players that make up the entire team, those to play in any match, as well as player formation are things users look for in a strong sports website. Certainly, a team roster that’s regularly updated would be treasured by users.


The main importance of a sports website is to keep all the information in one place, so that it is easily accessible. Keeping in mind the aforementioned tips when building your sports website will help to eliminate unnecessary features that would clutter your site.

With a reasonable budget and an experienced team of experts, creating your website should be a piece of cake. Look out for the free tools you can also make use of when building your sports website. Your end goal should be an attractive, informative and easily accessible sports website that will not take forever to load.

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