5 Must-Have Pages to Add to Your Sports Team Website

When it comes to creating pages for your sports team website, it goes without saying that you should have a homepage, an about page, and a contact page. 

Those three pages are the bare minimum that every website needs. They are also the bare minimum when it comes to sharing information about your team and making it easy for your visitors to get in touch with you. 

But, those pages alone are not enough to convince those visitors to sponsor you or to turn them into raving fans and supporters of your team. If you want to make sure that your fans, potential sponsors and donors learn more about you, you will need a few more pages to give them a complete picture.

Five Must-Have Pages to Add to Your Sports Team Website

Below, you will find 5 pages that every sports team should include on their website aside from the usual About and Contact page. These pages will help you present your team in the best possible light and provide relevant information to your fans and potential sponsors. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Finding a sponsor for your team is one of the best ways to get financial support and extra funds for your team. As such, your website should include a page dedicated to sponsors and sponsorship package. This allows your website visitors to learn how they can sponsor you as well as what benefits do they get from becoming your sponsor. 

The Sponsorship opportunities page should include information about your team along with your biggest accomplishments. You should also list how big is your audience and provide an overview of the reasons what makes your team a great sponsorship opportunity. 

Don’t forget to include a list of different sponsorship levels or packages and what each of them brings. Lastly, make sure to include the next logical step at the bottom of the page. This can be an option to download the sponsorship info packet or to get in touch with you by filling out a contact form.

Team and Player Profiles

As mentioned earlier, your website is the central hub where your fans will gather to learn more about your team and their favorite players. Make it easy for them to do so by including a team member page which you can link to individual player profiles. 

You can use the team member page to list all the members and players of the team with a brief overview of the most important information like position they play and essential stats. Then, use the individual player profile page to share more information about each player. This can include their official bio, more detailed stats and player history, as well as fun, random facts that will make them more relatable to your fans. 

Keep in mind that potential sponsors or even new team members will be interested in seeing this information as it can help them make the decision about sponsoring or joining your team ranks. 

Statistics and Fixtures

Any sports team website worth its salt can’t go without having a page dedicated to team statistics and fixtures. These are a great way for your fans to stay up to date with your team’s progress and satisfy their cravings for statistics during the off-season. 

However, your statistics and fixtures page can also be of use to potential sponsors as well as other sports teams that are looking to play a match against another local team. 

This page should include your results from the past season as well as your rankings in your current league.

Match Replays

A page dedicated to your match replays has several benefits. For starters, it keeps your fans engaged during the off-season. Secondly, it allows you to go back and analyze any game and your team’s performance. By doing so, you can come up with new strategies and learn from any past mistakes. 

Finally, a match replays page makes it easy for your fans to watch your game even if they couldn’t make it live. This makes it easy for them to stay updated with your team’s progress throughout the current season.

Legal Pages

Lastly, don’t forget to include the necessary legal pages on your website to make sure you’re complying with the law. The legal pages may vary from one country to the next but at the bare minimum, you will need a privacy policy, disclaimer, and terms and conditions page. 

The privacy policy is required by law for any website. It should explain how you collect visitor information, what you do with that information, and how you protect your visitor information. If you want to comply with the new GDPR regulation, your privacy policy should also outline if you share information with any third parties as well as the legal basis for collecting private information. 

The terms and conditions page should outline actions that are allowed on your site as well as what is not allowed. This can include actions such as:

  • How to use and credit the content from your site
  • Whether visitors need to register to use your site and whether they can post content on your site
  • Explain when user content will be removed
  • And similar. 

The disclaimer page serves to remove any liability from you for third-party posted content or links. If you plan on having a membership site where your fans can register and submit content or comment on your blog posts, then a disclaimer page will be necessary. 

Don’t forget that if you plan on selling team merchandise on your site or collect membership fees from your team members, you will also need a refund policy page as well as a shipping policy.

Final Thoughts

Your website plays a crucial role in presenting your team to potential sponsors and donors. It also serves as a central point for your fans to learn more about your team and each team member. Use this article to guide you in creating the essential pages for your site or download our cheatsheet as a handy reminder.

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