SportsPress 2.6 Update with Conditional Equations and Event Specs
Today, we’re releasing SportsPress version 2.6 — the second major update of this year, with a ton of exciting new features that I can’t wait to share with you!
Conditional Equations
Use the newly introduced conditional operators >, <, ≡, ≠, ≥, and ≤ to calculate the relationship between variables, then insert that calculation into more complex equations. Visit the Configure page to edit variables and equations.
Event Specs
Measure and display additional details per event using the new Event Specs variables. They are customizable and can be useful for keeping track of information like player of the match, attendance, and venue weather.
Next Team Column
Provide a quick overview of who each team is playing next using the new Next Team preset for league tables columns. This will automatically display the next team’s name or logo that links to the next match for each team in the table.
Player Assignments
Players will now be saved using a new data format that allows them to belong to multiple leagues, seasons, and teams and be accurately selected in player lists.
Countdown Images
A new option has been added to the Countdown widget, allowing you to display a featured image from the next event.
Pro Features
If you’ve got a SportsPress Pro license, you’ll be able to access to more exciting new features like Results Matrix, Midseason Transfers, and Vertical Timelines!
Read more about the SportsPress Pro 2.6 update to find out what’s new in this version.